One side done
It's hard to believe how much you have to destroy when rebuilding. We've been crawling in tight spaces and scraping our knuckles in order to replace and reseal all the hardware we took off. Now we have one side of the boat done with new chain plates, 3 new shrouds (wires that hold up the mast) and a new paint job.
Now we need to do the other side, 5 more shrouds, and 5 more chain plates. Tomorrow we are going to remove the hardest parts the aft chain plates and the stern pulpit.
After that we are going to send them out for fabrication and switch gears to work on the RV so we can get the process of selling it started.
All pretty boring stuff. One exciting thing is the beer that we made turned out FANTASTIC. Something so good has never come from a Pacifico Bottle before (we used Pacific Bottles to bottle it).
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