Whales and Dolphins and Gunk
Here's some video footage shot during our various legs from Zihautanejo to Manzanillo where we stopped in the commercial port of Lazaro Cardenas (fantastic anchorage by the way) and Caleta de Campos.
Our new camera has been really nice for getting closeup photos, but shooting video on a boat is proving to be really really hard. I think the dolphin footage came out ok (it was pretty calm) and the whales were good because they were so close, but the sea was starting to build up and it was tough keeping the image stable.
Anyway here it is for you to enjoy without all the sleepless passages and crappy headwinds.
{GMST}19|06.078|N|104|20.621|W|Nice Anchorage|Las Hadas{GEND}
Hey you guys,
Pretty good video. We ran into that "mystery gunk" once. Pretty gross. Looks like bilge droppings to me. We never get tired of watching dolphins or whales. Have a great trip. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Kim & Linda
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