Bday Photos
We had quite the party. About 30 people and two small cakes! Do I look any older?

Here's a crowd shot from the party. I suffed myself with veggie food.

Take a peak into the daily life on board our plastic boat on the salty sea. This is our Ship's Log or SLOG. Like explorers before us: we're lost foreigners looking for safe harbors, good food and friendly people.
We had quite the party. About 30 people and two small cakes! Do I look any older?
At this cool place called Saiananda they have two sloths which roam the property and are used to being around people. They would rather hide in a kitchen cupboard than up in the tall trees. It's fun to watch them creep around and feed them snacks. This is the male sloth wallowing in a tasty pile of lettuce.
Here's Hopper, Desidarata's dog, facinated by the sloth's creepy crawling movements.
Yesterday we had a great party for my Birthday and I managed to milk it for what it was worth. Everyone brought a vegetarian or vegan dish and we tried to stretch 2 cakes to feed 30 people!