The BIG day
Sherrell's mom is under the knife right now. Fortunately they are using laparoscopy so she should recover quicker than from open surgery. This is her very first operation ever, unless you count tonsils. You can imagine she’s sweating it. I’ve got my fingers crossed all goes well and she recovers quickly.
As for me, I’m going to have more tests done. The doctor says my diet is “perfecto” and that nothing could really be improved. We discussed my theory about vitamin b (it comes from bacteria in dirt, but everything is so clean these days you can only get it from eating animals who have eaten dirt). I took B supplements in Mexico and for 3 years didn’t have a problem. Also I’m getting tested for a problem that occurs with the para-thyroid that can produce stones. Unfortunately one of these tests requires me to travel for 2 hours on a bus carrying a large jug of my own piss iced in a cooler. Doesn’t that destroy your idea of sailing in paradise?
I mentioned that low tide in the estuary is an event. Many sailboats are leaning way over in the mud, some of them still tied to docks. I haven’t had a chance to get a good picture yet, so I borrowed this image from Leonidies. The current when the tides switches is pretty impressive, running at 3-4 knots or so. I’m going to do some more testing on our water towed generator here.

Also, Patches (our inflatable we rescued from the trash years ago) is now sporting 9 more new patches -- living up to its namesake! Only one of them is important, the others were just to help stop water from seeping in and making little puddles inside the dinghy. Hopefully they all hold so I can have my “car” back tomorrow.
A beautiful place to call "home" and update me on the stone.
11 degrees here!!
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