Petroglyphs -- schmetroglyphs
Ray & Jeannette wanted to do something fun for their day off. They thought a trip to see the petroglyphs would be a nice break from the monotony of work. And they were half-right.
We tried all sorts of things to get the car unstuck. It’s surprising how hard it is to dig with your bare hands, digging with a old spoon would have been faster. Oh why didn’t we have an old spoon?! The goop we were suck in was powerful. I even tried jacking up the front-end to get something solid under the tires but it would sink faster than I could work.
So we called the rescue team: Scott & Liz. While we waited for them to arrive, we washed off in the ocean and looked at the petroglyphs. When we returned to the car we found we’d created a traffic jam. Two Mexicans and I went about trying to free the mini-van glyph so they could get by in their car. All of our digging, rocking, pushing, shoving didn’t work. So they sent a kid off on a bicycle to find a guy with a 4x4 truck.
We waited until the other car passed through the muck successfully, then had a round of beer, killed 10,000 mosquitoes and hit the road back home – tired, muddy and hungry.
Maybe they should have just gone into the office? Maybe their idea of fun is a little wacked...?